You can view the detailed information about the performance of the selected partition.
In the upper-left corner, you can select the performance metrics based on which you want to monitor the performance of the partition from the list.
The list contains performance metrics namely Core Usage, Memory Allocation, Network Traffic and Storage Traffic.
If you select the Core Usage option from the list that is displayed on the upper-left corner of the page, the Current Core Usage section and the Partition Description section is displayed.
The Partition Description section displays the Operating system type and version, state of the partition, associated managed system, the MTM serial number of the system, the Hardware Management Console (HMC) to which the associated managed system is connected and the partition ID.
The Current Core Usage section displays the information about the processor usage of the partition including CPU mode. If the CPU mode is dedicated, then the CPU usage, the dedicated core is shown. If CPU mode is capped/uncapped, then the current usage, the entitled core, the virtual processors and the shared processor pool name is shown. For shared processed partition the percentage core usage is computed with respect to the entitled cores or virtual processor, based on the settings done. For dedicated processor partition, the percentage is always computed with the entitled capacity.
Click Export CSV to export the data that is displayed in the Partition Core Usage table. You can use this feature to export two compressed files. The first file contains information about the graphical view of the current core usage, the second file contains the list of peaks for the core usage of the partition.
To export up to 24 hours of minute-level core and memory usage data for a partition, click Export Granular Data. Use one of the two options that are available in the Export Granular Data pop-up window:
- Quick Selection – Click the button for the number of hours prior to the current time for which you want to export the minute-level data. For example, to export data for the prior 24 hours, click Last 24 hours.
- Advanced Selection – Select the starting date and time and the number of hours for which you want to export the minute-level data. For example, if you select the date as 1 October, the time as 08:00 a.m., and 12 hours, the data from 01 October 08:00 a.m. to 01 October 08:00 p.m. will be exported.
After selecting which minute-level data you want to export, click Export CSV. The data is exported and downloaded as a .zip file that contains multiple .csv files. To export minute-level data for other dates or times, click Export More Data, and specify a different date or time.
You can view a pictorial representation of the current core usage in the form of a graph. The Y-axis represents the total core usage and the X-axis represents the date and time range.
The graph displays a blue line for Core Usage. If CPU mode is dedicated, then a dotted purple line specifies dedicated cores. If CPU mode is capped/uncapped, then core usage is shown in blue line. The purple dotted line shows entitled cores while pink dotted lines show virtual processors. In both the modes, the dotted blue line represents that data is not available during that time and the red line indicates that the threshold is breached.
By default, the graph displays the core usage for the current day. You can modify the date range by using the calendar displayed below the Date Range field or select the available date range options: Last 8 Hours,Last 24 Hours, Last Week, Last Month, Last Year, or Last 3 Years. If you select the option Last 24 Hours, the core usage for the last twenty-four hours is displayed in the graph.
You can move your cursor through the graph to see the Core Usage value for different date ranges in the graph. Click and drag a specific date range to view the average, minimum and maximum core usage for the selected date range. Click Zoom to view the core usage for the specific date range in the graph. After you click Zoom, the graph changes and displays the core usage only for the specific date range. The Update Table option is enabled only when selected a different date range in the graph. Click Update Table to view the updated data of the core usage for a specific date/time range in the Performance History table.
In the Performance History section, you can view the following information:
- current core usage of the partition
- average core usage for the partition during the selected date range
- minimum and maximum amount of core usage for the partition during the selected date range
- number and details of each peak including the start time, end time and the duration, average core peak usage in percentage, and the minimum and maximum amount of core peak usage in percentage, that happened during the selected date range
If you select the Memory Allocation option from the list that is displayed in the upper-left corner of the page, you can view the current memory allocation details of the partition under the Current Memory Allocation section and the details of the partition under the Partition Description section.
The Current Memory Allocation section displays details about the allocated and memory mode of the partition. The table also gives the information about the current Virtual Persistent Memory allocated to the partition. The Partition Description section displays the Operating system type and version, state of the partition, associated managed system, the MTM serial number, the Hardware Management Console (HMC) to which the associated managed system is connected and the partition ID.
You can view a pictorial representation of the current memory allocation in the form of a graph. The graph displays a solid line for the Allocated Memory.
In the Performance History for Partition Memory Allocation section, you can view the following information:
- The current backed physical memory
- the average backed physical memory
- the minimum backed physical memory
- the maximum backed physical memory
For VIOS partition, the graph is plotted using the allocated memory. And also Performance History gives :
- The current allocated memory
- the average allocated memory
- the minimum allocated memory
- the maximum allocated memory
You can view the total network traffic of the partition by selecting the Network Traffic option from the list that is displayed in the upper-left corner of the page.
You can view the Current Network Traffic and Partition Description details of the partition.
The Current Network Traffic section displays information about the sent bytes(sent packets) and received bytes(received packets) rate per second.
The Partition Description section displays the Operating system type and version, state of the partition, associated managed system, the MTM serial number, the Hardware Management Console (HMC) to which the associated managed system is connected and the partition ID.
The Performance History section displays the following information on:
- Virtual switch
- current sent bytes(sent packets)
- average sent bytes(sent packets)
- minimum number of sent bytes(sent packets)
- maximum number of sent bytes(sent packets)
- current received bytes(received packets)
- average received bytes(received packets)
- minimum number of bytes received(received packets)
- maximum number of bytes received(received packets)
You can view a pictorial representation of the current virtual network traffic in the form of a graph. The graph displays a solid purple line that specifies the number of Sent Bytes in the network, along with a light purple line that specifies the number of Received Bytes in the network. You can also select the Packets option in the graph to plot the graph with the Sent Packets and Received Packets.
The SRIOV Logical Port Traffic table displays the network traffic for the partition. You can view the following information:
- Physical port ID
- Logical port location code
- Current sent bytes (sent packets)
- Average sent bytes (sent packets)
- Current received bytes (sent packets)
- Average received bytes (sent packets)
If you select the Storage Traffic option from the list that is displayed in the upper-left corner of the page. You can filter the storage traffic by selecting All Traffic, NPIV Traffic or vSCSI Traffic from the list. You can view the details on the current storage traffic of the partition under the Current Storage Traffic section and the details of the partition under the Partition Description section.
The Current Storage Traffic section displays information about the number of read bytes(number of reads) and the number of write bytes(number of writes).
The Partition Description section displays the Operating system type and version, state of the partition, associated managed system, the MTM serial number, the Hardware Management Console (HMC) to which the associated managed system is connected and the partition ID.
You can view a pictorial representation of the current storage traffic in the form of a graph. The graph displays a purple line that specifies the number of Read Bytes, along with a blue line that specifies the number of Write Bytes. You can also select Numbers to view the graph with Number of Reads and Number of Writes.
The Performance Historysection displays the following information on:
- current read bytes(number of reads)
- average read bytes(number of reads)
- minimum number of read bytes(number of reads)
- maximum number of read bytes(number of reads)
- current write bytes(number of writes)
- average write bytes(number of writes)
- minimum number of bytes written(number of writes)
- maximum number of bytes written(number of writes)
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